Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Kindle Singles

So I was looking across Amazon and I heard about the Kindle Singles program. This is a place where you can submit 5,000-30,000 word articles or short stories and sell in this program. It's different than Amazon's normal bookstore, and it seems they are trying to put some editorial control over this store and nurture it as a "best of" mini-bookstore within Amazon's ecosystem.

In a way, it feels like "Amazon: The Magazine" except you buy articles and short stories per book. Some are free via Kindle Unlimited, and some are not.

It feels like semi-random content here, with essays, interviews, articles, fiction, and other "journal" type content all in the same place. They bill it as "high quality" work, so I am feeling there is a measure of review and editorial control in this store.

I haven't heard of this program until recently, and it is strange to see how Amazon's sub-stores can get lost within the massive retailer, such as Kindle Worlds and other initiatives.

It doesn't seem like a place where new writers could make a regular place for themselves, unless you were really into something they wanted. I may check this out as an avenue of publishing.

It does seem like a prestige store, I don't know, I may try to submit something and see how it goes. Is this part of the normal store? Are there any other restrictions besides length, quality, and content? Is everyone free to submit? I'm trying to get a sense if this is more "exclusive club' or 'general store' or something in-between.

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