Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Feeding the Beast

I can't believe how incredibly popular I am!

Because I hate the same thing you do.

Let me repost whoever or whatever it is, him or her, and join the crowd. Look at all my newfound popularity! Look at how I am being lauded as insightful and great because I reaffirm someone else's anger and bias.

It feels good to feed into all this hatred, doesn't it? Insanely so.

Of course I want to be witty! Of course I want people to praise me for piling on! I want to provide a new and insightful angle for people to channel their negativity with, because it unlocks another negative attack upon the thing which they were told to dislike by someone else! I give them new attacks which to repeat to others upon the thing which we all dislike.

Can't you see how smart I am? How great of a thinker I am?

Oh, what is it that I hate, you ask?

You tell me.

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