Thursday, June 25, 2015

SCL Project: That Critical Moment

There comes a point in every book where as a writer you need to make a leap of faith.

I am there with my SCL project.

Now, I am beginning a major point-of-view transition in the narrative, and it has to feel right. I am adding a chapter in here so it is not such a sudden jump, but I needed this space to setup the PoV switch better. I want to avoid those WTF questions, yet keep the element of surprise fresh and not telegraphed.

So I need to do a bit of in-character thinking before the jump. This needs to be setup the right way, so I am partly working this out and partly feeling it out as I go.

I am also considering going back and writing a more steamy scene in the chapter previous to this one, it is steamy enough, and I am wondering if the heat needs to be continued or left on a low boil. It depends on how long the book is, of course, and what genre I want to put it in, so leaving it a low boil keeps me in more of a romance-thriller genre than it does an erotic-romance genre. I can always write in more sex since I have the situation and room to run if I so choose.

Yes, I have the chapters planned out in a loose outline. No, I don't have to follow them to the letter.

I am toy with the idea of a parallel narrative as well, switching back to the primary character every other chapter after the B-side story is introduced and given a chance to run for a while. We will see, I want to establish my second plot line firmly before switching back and forth between characters. It sounds like a fun idea, but the primary character and plot is very strong, and I don't want that taking away from the 'Alice in Wonderland' trip with the B-side that is to come shortly.

Just by typing this I have had some great ideas. I will let those simmer and I shall think about them for a while before committing to them. Sometimes just thinking through a project in a post like this leads to some great ideas.

So yes, I am approaching that 'big decision' moment, and it is looking more and more like I shall follow my heart and go with what I wanted to do in the first place. More progress reports and thoughts soon as work picks back up on this one.

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