Sunday, August 2, 2015

Summer Cleaning is Done

Oh, am I tired, but it was worth it.

My keyboard is clean, my workstation shines, and my environment is shiny and new. A printer no longer boxes me in. Desks were moved. Dust was removed by the bucketful. A window is closer. More light flows in. Cables have been bundled and tied. Computers were moved, cleaned, dusted, and everything plugged back in.

Where I work is new again.

I hate getting into a rut, and having a place to work so cluttered I can't think my way out of it. this is good. It is new, and it is clean. Is it perfect? No, the keyboard I replaced my old one with isn't the best, so I am looking to replace that with something snappy and fresh.

It transfers to your work, I know it does. You can't be in a negative place and do your best work, and putting in some sweat and cleaning into the place where you create is a part of the self-improvement process. You have set yourself up for creativity and success. You have cleaned things up. You have made where you dream a better place to imagine and create.

Even my piano is within reach, dusted, and ready for life and sweet music. I am a happy person.

Will it get stale again? Most likely so. In six more months I shall be back here again, and my creative space will be dingy, and my energy drained by untidiness. But for now, it is spring again, and where I work and what I do has a fresh look and a clean feeling. It is a blank sheet of paper where I shall take my next steps. It is mine again.

Now, for a nap.

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