Saturday, April 17, 2021

Quiet Days

Quiet days are the most dangerous days. You slip out of form these days, and what is one day without writing?

The start of many.

So I write, even just a little. Even if it is just an update, I write.

So I have been looking at genres. Will I do another futanari book? I want to, but maybe another genre calls. The one thing I love doing is writing statement books, going into a genre and writing my take on them. Doing the genre like it has never been done.

I have my eye on a new genre. I am spending the day reading books in this area.

My mind is thinking, considering the options. Something may come of this. Something interesting.

If I write, it will be one book and longer. I would love to commit to a 80,000 word minimum if the story allows. One book, one statement, and keeping my reader's libraries uncluttered. I have a feeling the series days are waning, unless the series is of longer works. But short 10-20K stories that span 4-6 books in a series I am not sure I want to do.

Unless this is what readers want.

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