Friday, October 24, 2014

Kindle Worlds

I've always wanted to publish for Kindle Worlds, sort of a commercialized fan-fiction portal that Amazon setup with a bunch of licensed property holders. There are some fun ones in there, but none that grab me right off. Some I'd love to see?
  • Lost, The Walking Dead, Downtown Abbey, Game of Thrones and other fun TV shows
  • Classic novels and movies from the 1940's to 1970's
  • Some communities where fan-fic has been unofficially supported like Star Wars and Star Trek
  • Even just famous figures, such as movie stars or personalities
  • Cult classic shows like Buffy, 24, Charmed, or any other odd but recognizable choice
Yes, more, more, more. Part of the problem is that it probably takes time and money to secure rights, and they have to know that there is interest there before they choose what they would like to pursue. Without interest, they aren't going to chase it down. It's sort of a vicious cycle, I would love for this program to do well and expand, but if I can't find properties I am interested in, it is hard for me to dive in and start writing.

I would love for them to grab the rights to dead-properties, like old TV shows or any other abandoned but interesting license. You would think things long off the cultural radar, like The Lone Ranger, Three's Company, Dynasty, The Love Boat, or any other classic TV show would actually want new fan-fic books to come out for those properties - since any interest beyond them slowly fading away into obscurity.

There are limits to what you can write for all of these, and the rules do change between books. You can bet each is reviewed as well. You are definitely not going to write the next 50 Shades with any of these, so it is sanctioned fan-fiction to be sure, but an interesting opportunity to get your name associated with a brand.

So check it out, and support this if you find something you like. Who knows, maybe someday I will get my wish and rights holders will realize they need to play and let us writers in for their franchises to become part of the cultural language and common dialog again.

We can dream.

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